On 03/12/2010 01:48 PM, Ulf Wendel wrote:
Jani Taskinen schrieb:
Having tests in multiple branches is PITA. Hasn't anyone considered
that the best way would be to move all tests into their own repository
(directory..whatever :) in SVN..? Considering they are supposed to be
used for testing against regressions and BC breaks, they should always
be runnable using any PHP version?

What you save is the work of having to update multiple branches manually.

Not only update, don't forget the maintaining of them.

What you risk is that not each and every test is prepared for being run
with every version - although, maybe, in theory it should be. This is

It should not be theory for regression tests? If new release does not pass the old tests but the old versions still do, then it's quite likely the new version is buggy? Now we have different versions of same tests in each branch (in the worst cases) and thus the behaviour might really be different between them when it should not be.

Also, you may end up shipping the same huge set of tests for every PHP
version regardless if all tests you ship are compatible with that
version. Again, some magic should solve that - practicalities.

It's still one package for all. Thus less work, less space..? :)

There is one thing I fear, although it is desired to do. Many extensions
link external libraries. If you throw all tests in one place and run all
tests with all PHP versions, I strongly assume you'll get more reports
on test failures. That is because the likeliness of someone out there
running new tests designed for the latest version of an external library
against an old library will increase.

This part I didn't quite understand..isn't this same issue with the current situation as well?

versions. I am aware how much people love BC. But there's a point where
keeping BC should be left as an exercise to those asking for BC.

The BC is our holy grail. And having been bitten by this myself sometimes in last 3 years, I rather be a bit anal about BC now than I was before. :)


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