On 03/12/2010 08:08 PM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

Having tests in multiple branches is PITA. Hasn't anyone considered that
the best way would be to move all tests into their own repository
(directory..whatever :) in SVN..? Considering they are supposed to be

Yes, but: some tests are version-dependant, some are not. And since we

That's why we'd need to add some section to select the minimum version required to run the test.

have this "output match" testing paradigm, it would probably keep being
this way. If you're going to have branches in that SVN, how it would be
different from what we have now?

Considering what I said above about version check..why would you need branches in it? And what/how does it matter what the tests output if it needs to be same in any PHP version anyway..?

The word "repository" was bad choice. The idea is just to have shared tests. Perhaps that makes it more clear?


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