Hi Pascal,

Responses in line.

> All I can say is that at least one Wireless Sensor Network
> standard under development will not use IPSec. ISA100.11a
> (http://www.isa.org/MSTemplate.cfm?MicrositeID=1134&CommitteeI
> D=6891) has decided to endorse - and extend when necessary -
> the work done at 802.15.4 and 6LoWPAN, which means that we
> will have IPv6-based sensors in the industrial WSN space. I
> say it's great news and we-IETF should continue in our effort
> to support the ISA there.

Agree this is a very good endorsement from ISA.

> ISA100.11a is defining a simple transport level security
> above UDP that is based on the AES encryption engine in the
> CCM mode (in reality CCM* as defined by 802.15.4, annex B,
> which refers to CCM as defined by ANSI X9.63-2001 as well as
> NIST Pub 800-38C and RFC 3610, that's a quote for the purists).

Uggh.  As purist I do not trust UDP in the first place :--).  If one can build 
a stack supporting UPD and all that is required for AES then hearing that IPsec 
is to heavy for a sensor makes zero sense to me.

> The ISA100.11a Transport level security replicates end to end
> what is done at the Data Link Layer in order to benefit from
> the chipset built-in features.

Can you say more because moving link layer control up to a transport in my view 
not only breaks the Internet Protocol Reference Model but the IEEE layer 1 and 
2 models?  Also IEEE does a fairly good job for most media to secure the link 
at that end?

> No IKE, No IPSec at least for
> the current spec. A side effect of that design is that we'll
> be able to elide the UDP checksum in the 6LoWPAN compression
> by including the IPv6 pseudo header and the UDP ports in the
> Message Integrity Check computation, pushing the whole
> computation up a sublayer.

Ouch I don't even believe you should see any ports until after a decrypt from 
my security purist view.

> I've come to expect that the encryption will be done end to
> end at the transport level whereas the integrity and
> authentication will be played hop by hop over the DLL mesh,
> but that's a deployment decision.

Well for mission critical nets this is clearly not supportive of defense in 
depth at all.  But I can see it as we are talking for some deployments that do 
not need defense in depth.


> Pascal
> >-----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of
> >Bound, Jim
> >Sent: mercredi 27 février 2008 05:46
> >To: Jonathan Hui; ipv6@ietf.org
> >Subject: RE: IPsec and 6LoWPAN (was: Re: Making IPsec *not*
> mandatory
> >inNode Requirement)
> >
> >Good point and Gordon Bell has almost always been right for me so I
> >know I listen to him.  The key is do these low power and restricted
> >sensor components require security at the IP layer?
> > If IEEE xxx is secure can we conclude the IP layer is not
> relevant for
> >sensors, but I would suggest they are for any sensor gateway
> nodes.  Or
> >can we develop in industry a micro-kernel IPsec implementation in
> >hardware that can be cost effectively added to a sensor or set of
> >sensor unions for a network?  Clearly we are seeing this type of
> >hardware development on microprocessors with the exponential
> appearance
> >of deep packet inspection providers into the market that are not
> >router/switch vendors.  But is IPsec the right answer is the right
> >question for lowpan for engineering cost reasons as opposed to is it
> >possible?
> >
> >/jim
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf
> >> Of Jonathan Hui
> >> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 6:57 PM
> >> To: ipv6@ietf.org
> >> Subject: IPsec and 6LoWPAN (was: Re: Making IPsec *not*
> mandatory in
> >> Node Requirement)
> >>
> >>
> >> I won't argue against the fact that security is an important
> >part of a
> >> complete solution. The question for me is whether IPsec is
> the most
> >> appropriate solution for highly constrained embedded devices
> >> (constrained in energy, memory, compute, and link
> >capabilities). From
> >> the few implementation numbers thrown around this thread,
> it sounds
> >> like IPsec is not an option for low-power wireless nodes
> >with 8K RAM,
> >> 48K ROM, 128B link MTU, and not to mention that any implementation
> >> should leave enough space for an interesting application
> and should
> >> operate for multiple years on modest batteries.
> >>
> >> One nice thing is that, given some application scenarios,
> there are
> >> other ways to incorporate sufficient security without the need for
> >> IPsec. For example, link-layer security may be sufficient
> >for private
> >> networks. Link-layer security may also be sufficient if border
> >> routers/gateways attach to other traditional IP networks via
> >encrypted
> >> tunnels.
> >>
> >> I'm not a security expert, nor do I know the complete workings of
> >> IPsec.
> >> But I'd be curious if people strongly believe or have ideas
> >on ways to
> >> squeeze IPsec into devices that I'm interested in.
> >> If not, is it at all possible to consider developing an
> alternative
> >> end-to-end security mechanism that is lightweight. I'm not arguing
> >> that this should be used between two traditional IP hosts,
> >but that it
> >> can be used between a traditional IP host communicating with a
> >> low-power, wireless device or two low-power wireless devices
> >> communicating directly.
> >>
> >> Gordon Bell observed that we've seen a new class of computing form
> >> about every decade. IP has so far been able to follow
> these trends,
> >> including hand held devices. Now we are at the beginning of yet
> >> another class with low-power wireless devices based on IEEE
> >802.15.4,
> >> and the 6lowpan effort within the IETF has set out to
> bring IPv6 to
> >> this new class. I'd be disappointed if we couldn't come to an
> >> agreement on how we can appropriately bring this new class
> >into the IP
> >> framework.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Jonathan Hui
> >>
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> >> ipv6@ietf.org
> >> Administrative Requests: http://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipv6
> >>
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> >>
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> >IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
> >ipv6@ietf.org
> >Administrative Requests: http://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipv6
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