>On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 9:36 PM, Scott Brim <s...@internet2.edu> wrote:
>> I have the usual concerns about privacy.  I have no problem with someone
>> knowing the endpoint that is communicating is associated with a vehicle
>> (or that I, a human, am communicating from a vehicle).  However, if
>> someone can map easily from an IP address to a VIN (thus knowing the
>> specific vehicle from which the communication is happening), and I have
>> no choice but to reveal that information in order to communicate at all,
>> I am not comfortable.  In general, as an architectural principle, I want
>> the option to control how much personal information I reveal.  That's
>> called privacy.
>Actual the problem is much simpler, it's not that easy to get the
>unique ID of a vehicle today, however with the proposed solution it
>become extremely easy.
>Sort of the same idea that caused IPv6 to create all IPs based on the
>mac address... we know how that ended, we created the privacy option.
>Do we want todo it all over again?

=> Someone, somewhere (perhaps the IAB) needs to write an architectural
document to tell various industries to _stop_ doing that.
The IID is a set of bits that have no meaning, please stop trying to
create it in an industry/link layer technology-specific manner. It does do
anything and it's meaningless. If you want the correspondent to know that
you're a car with a particular VIN then put that in your application!


>Roger Jorgensen           | ROJO9-RIPE
>rog...@gmail.com          | - IPv6 is The Key!
>http://www.jorgensen.no   | ro...@jorgensen.no
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