Le 19/02/2013 08:46, Hesham Soliman a écrit :

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 9:36 PM, Scott Brim <s...@internet2.edu>
I have the usual concerns about privacy.  I have no problem with
someone knowing the endpoint that is communicating is associated
with a vehicle (or that I, a human, am communicating from a
vehicle).  However, if someone can map easily from an IP address
to a VIN (thus knowing the specific vehicle from which the
communication is happening), and I have no choice but to reveal
that information in order to communicate at all, I am not
comfortable.  In general, as an architectural principle, I want
the option to control how much personal information I reveal.
That's called privacy.

Actual the problem is much simpler, it's not that easy to get the
unique ID of a vehicle today, however with the proposed solution
it become extremely easy. Sort of the same idea that caused IPv6 to
create all IPs based on the mac address... we know how that ended,
we created the privacy option.

Do we want todo it all over again?

=> Someone, somewhere (perhaps the IAB) needs to write an
architectural document to tell various industries to _stop_ doing
that. The IID is a set of bits that have no meaning, please stop
trying to create it in an industry/link layer technology-specific
manner. It does do anything and it's meaningless.

I think you're too strong with statements.  Many IPv-over-foo documents
exist and they do just that - create IID in a industry-specific manner.

If you want the correspondent to know that you're a car with a
particular VIN then put that in your application!

That is a good point - if one wants a Server to determine that some
end-node is actually a vehicle (with details about vehicle type -
electrical) then better use a UDP payload, not necessarily an IP address
for it.

But I think you make an assumption which may be true or false.  It is
not necessarily true that we do that only for the application.

The need comes from further, and it may look simpler: we need to form
IPv6 addresses within a vehicle.

There are a number of solutions to realize it, but each has its
advantages and inconvenients.  Forming it from VIN has some advantages.

We can discuss this.




Roger Jorgensen           | ROJO9-RIPE rog...@gmail.com          |
- IPv6 is The Key! http://www.jorgensen.no   | ro...@jorgensen.no

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