That is correct. All those muslim women who say they are married to non-muslim 
men, are not. They are indeed in a haraam relationship of Zinah 
(adultery/fornication) with a kaffir. Same is true for any muslim man who says 
he is married to any woman other than a chaste practicing christian/jew or a 

The permission and the prohibition is stated clearely in the Qur'an and no one 
has any excuse or justification.

Re: Proper ruling on multiple marriages 
Posted by: "Z T Minhas" Z T Minhas   ztminhas 
Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:32 pm (PDT) 
Salaam alaikum,

Before any of the sisters condemn me for what I am about to say, let's make one 
thing clear, may those brothers deserve whatever punishment they get in this 
life and the next. Now that we have that out of the way, the quote:

Other divorced sisters that she knew all went on to remain single or did marry 
non-Muslim men.

Is an oxymoron. There is no such thing as a muslim woman marrying a non-muslim 
man. There maybe a piece of paper from the city, but I would take that piece of 
paper and wipe my backside with it. It is glorified fornication. That is all. 
Same with those brothers that do mutaa or whatever else they want to call it. 
But don't let your bad experiences with bad people make you a bad person too. 
Even if that bad person is a former husband (or wife for that matter). Rephrase 
the sentence to:

Other divorced sisters that she knew all went on to remain single or are in 
haram relations with kafirs.

Salaam alaikum

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