The sister does not know what to do now....the brother begged her forgiveness 
to take him back after the wife in Korea requested her khulu from him (though 
this sister received her request earlier).....this sister's unsure even though 
she did Istikarrah on this husband...
The imam offered his opinion on what this sister should do; and the sister 
thinks his opinion matters despite her weakened heart for her ex-husband.



--- On Wed, 9/24/08, J M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 10:32 PM

--- On Sat, 9/20/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Proper ruling on multiple marriages
To: "eGroup For Muslims Around The World" <>
Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008, 4:04 PM

Deceit and lying are not a justification for anything, single or multiple 
marriages. The judge can annul the marriage if such things are done to trick 
the person into marriage. If a woman stipulates that she be informed before he 
takes any wives then it's not that he should respect that, but he HAS to inform 
her. That was one of the conditions for the marriage he agreed to before 
marrying so he has to fulfill that unless she states otherwise. Same way with 
caring for her.
RESPONSE:  He never stipulated that he only intended to stay with each wife on 
a short-term basis before leaving them. 
Nikah is the marriage contact just you have business contracts and every 
contract has conditions that can be put in before it is signed. The Prophet 
(sallallahu alayhi wassalam) said that these nikah contract conditions are more 
deserving to be fulfilled since they make man/woman permissible for each other.

RESPONSE:  He has created his own nikah contract(s) to suit his need for more 
than one wife. 
He cannot "return" her to her ex-husband. She is not a property. He can only 
divorce her and then it is her decision alone to marry whom so ever she 
chooses. If this man is doing such things then doesn't the community of such a 
man? sisters should be informing other sisters so they are protected from such 
a person. It seems like this person just wants to derive pleasure from as many 
women as he can without giving them their rights. It seems even more a true 
argument if he's involved in zinah with non-muslim women also. A person cannot 
make marriage such play thing.

RESPONSE:  I tried to contact his current wife who offered her mahr back to him 
but she was quite mean--oh well!  I have only been in contact with two other 
women, and he requested for them not to say anything to me.   I told the one in 
Tunisia to "stop encouraging him"--don't know if she listened to me.  The one 
in Montreal (not his current wife), I believe I have only spoken to her a 
couple of times (at his behest though I did not know it was his wife).   She 
avoids him when he tries to contact her. 
 Like I mentioned before, the woman need to do their research properly since 
they are the ones who will be affected more with what happens in the marriage. 
They need to make sure the person is a good person and not pretending to be 
one. Especially when it involves polygyny. Interview the man's current and ex 
wives. If he is good then he has nothing to worry about if he has something to 
hide then he will dislike the idea.
RESPONSE:  To reiterate my agreement:  you, brother, are 100% right.  It is 
quite difficult for the revert to do research on a brother because we are often 
"randomly selected" for marriage.  Most reverts do not fit into an exact ethnic 
or cultural background of certain groups within our ummah.  Even African 
American Muslims are racially diverse, and often prefer selecting women close 
to their culture.  For me, as a Jamaican Muslim, I would have to create close 
ties with the community in Jamaica with the hope of finding a husband among 
that group.  I have my own prejudices, and I pray for Allah SWT to help me be a 
better Muslim for that reason.    
This brother came with fluency in Arabic and French.  He was versed in Quran, 
and made everyone believe that he was a good Muslim.  His friends never said a 
word against him, so no one had any idea of what he had planned to do.  I know 
that one of his friends refuses to speak with him; the rest show their support 
in various ways--but no one told us that he was a serial bridegroom! 
It is painful to experience lost love, but more heartwrenching when someone 
uses the name of Allah SWT to do the evil work of shaytaan by using lies and 

Re: Proper ruling on multiple marriages
Posted by: "J M" J M   jmugh786
Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:19 pm (PDT)
No one is questioning what is Sunnah in terms of the limits on wives (for the 
man), but deceit and lies are not a part of justifying multiple marriages.  If 
the woman stipulates that she has a right to be informed before and not after 
the marriage, then this should be respected.  This brother promised to care for 
his wife before marriage then refused to care for her after the marriage was 
completed.   But, a few of the others (who he still calls his wives) benefit 
fully from their marriages with him.  It is haraam to show favor of one wife 
over another!  When he is tired of that wife (as he did to one sister), he 
simply got permission to return her to her ex-husband and left to marry another 
Just for your information, the "7th" is just a number and does not include the 
non-Muslim women he associates along with his wives.  Haraam!


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