On 1999-08-17 11:40:42 -0700, Riyad Kalla wrote:
> I don't see it being in Sun's interest at all to support Linux. They are shooting,
> obviously, for the biggest market. I always found it interesting that they had a full
> complete JDK for Win32 LONG before they had a final version available for Solaris. I 
> this curious and am sure there are other reasons for it, I would appreciate it anyone
> could enlighten me.

Win32 is the desktop OS. M$ was threatening the success of Java with J++ and
their Java-clone (COOL IIRC). Java without Win32 is a no-go. Linux is not that
important _yet_.

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                  Martin Schröder, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            ArtCom GmbH, Grazer Straße 8, D-28359 Bremen
           Voice +49 421 20419-44 / Fax +49 421 20419-10

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