Ugggg...... I don't envy your testing job! That sounds like a nightmare
come true.

Being closer to Java then most of us on this list, do you see Sun
planning another "Java 2" jump any time soon? Or does it seem they are
going to stick with 1.2 for a while and really clean it up?

Just curious if I should emotionally prepar myself for "Jazz" a
substitution to "Swing" <smile>


Juergen Kreileder wrote:

> >>>>> Riyad Kalla writes:
>     Riyad> I was discussing exactly this with the creators of AnyJ the
>     Riyad> other day. I was curious as to how much porting it takes to
>     Riyad> port such a large project from Win32 to Solaris and Linux,
>     Riyad> and the mentioned that Linux is the hardest simeply because
>     Riyad> of all the hodge-podge involved and how every WM handles
>     Riyad> its windows different and colors etc. etc.
> Yep, e.g. every small change to AWT has be tested on 10 or more window
> managers, with different X servers, with different color depths, with
> and without XKB, ...
>         Juergen
> --
> Juergen Kreileder, Blackdown Java-Linux Porting Team

[      Riyad Kalla      ]
[ University of Arizona ]
[       CS Major        ]

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