Dear Grace,

Please don't feel that I felt criticized. One thing about this forum is that 
it is full of  strong opinions and the right to disagree. I simply objected 
to the generalization that it was a "western" thing to value people by the 
job they do instead of who they are. The ability to speak candidly in debate 
is something treasured greatly here. 

I totally agree with what you've written below. I just think that this 
problem is a worldwide one, not just one limited to Western culture. 

One reason I feel that Joni is so integrated into her art and her music is 
the way she pours so much of herself into her work. There are so many 
questions that we cannoot answer about people who only measure a person's 
worth by what they do. I admit that it is a serious problem. I assure you 
that I am one person who does not do that. You are a very sensitive and 
caring person, Grace. That's why the notion is so objectionable to you. To 
me, that is a great quality to have as a person!


In a message dated 06/09/2002 1:16:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> dear me, nothing that was written was a criticism of what you wrote!
> I guess I don't agree that what we do is an extension, necessarily, of what 
> we are inside. I believe we all hold the light of God inside. In most of us 
> it is buried to one degree or other.
> So the person who commits evil is not showing us the light deep inside.
> Artists who create great work are not by that work good people! Plenty of 
> art or other good work is produced by racists, facists etc
> Artists who create great work are not by that work good people! Plenty of 
> art or other good work is produced by racists, facists etc.(Ezra Pound?)
> The only person who did show us what was deep inside was Jesus(and maybe 
> others).
> (i wish writing in this forum wasn't so damend diffiuclt! Sharing one's 
> thought about somthing should not automatically be read as criticism of 
> another person!)

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