> but i must add that it when creativity is involved it is also an outward
> thing...for any this is because the creation is the inner life being made
> manifest...a very vulnerable & brave thing to do, especially for someone who
> is basically a private person as i suspect joni is...private, yet her
> creativity compels her to write these songs then of course put them out for
> the world to hear...a very complex issue that i think plagues many
> songwriters who are basically shy & private, yet are compelled to put their
> innermost thoughts out there for the whole world to hear, admire, dissect,
> criticize, etc....

I get what you are saying, I think. however, I don't see how this makes self esteeem 
an outwrd thing. It cstill comes form within and not from without.

Displaying you art is a scary business. It can bring reward or not. It can elicit good 
and bad responses from others. I know I feel nervous when showing my work. it makes me 
feel good to have it admired. It doesn't necessarily make me feel bad if it is not 
admired. We cannot all like the same thing. If the quality of the work was disparaged, 
i maybe would be annoyed, but would genrally think the comment came from someone who 
has no idea about finishing techniques. The worst response I ever got, one I thought 
was rude and insulting, was when I emailed several pics of my work to someone who 
asked to see them and all they said was 'thanks'. No comment. 'not my cup of tea' 
would not have been insulting or rude. Of course in pics one can only see a 
colour/design and not the quality of the handle or the finish, so one could only 
surmise that one either liked the look or not.

However, where I separate this from self esteem is in how it makes you feel. Self 
esteem is all about how you feel about yourself, whetehr you see yourself as a good 
person or a bad person, as worthy or worthless. So if one reacts to negative reaction 
to your art, with a feeling of worthlessness or badness then , yes, your self esteem 
is the issue.

No matter how creative we are, no matter how good we are at something, it is not that 
that gives us the feeling we are good people and if it is, then it is shallow and 
dangerous for reasons I mentioned before.(one day we might not be able to 'do' or like 
in the situation you brought up, peop;le might not value our work).

It is very possible for people to create good, oustanding, work and have a good sense 
of self and self worth. Art does not have to stem from just pain. Douglas Adams only 
discovered he coudl w=write AFTER analysis and learning to value himself. I certainly 
know that in my own case with the 3 talents I haev, that the results of using them are 
at their best when i don't have in the forefront of my mind what others may think of 
me! My work and me are separate things. yes my work coems from me, and all that I am, 
but it is NOT me and thus if someone doesn't like my work, it is not ME they do not 
like, but my work. It is VITAL to distinguish between the two.

I may not like your music Kate. I don't know cos i have not heard it. I would be very 
sad if I heard it, disliked it, and you felt you were not good enough as  A PERSON as 
a result. Of course you might be disappointed at a neagtive response to your work, who 
wouldn't  be?

So I still separate the two things. As I said before, I do not know Joni at all so 
have no idea what her opinion of her self is. It would be very sad tho if she allowed 
negative reactions to her art to make her feel worthless. Mind you, if she has good 
self esteem in the first place, that will not happen!!!! perhaps she understands that 
what she does and who she is are different.

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