On 9 Jun 2002 at 17:30, Kate Bennett wrote:

> That quote was kakki's...not mine...it's only her opinion but an
> opinion that carries some weight as kakki has spent some time with her
> & as she mentioned is a friend of a friend of joni's...so, in some
> ways, she can speak a bit about knowing joni as more than a creative
> artist, as a person, at least a little bit...if it had come from
> someone who only knew her creative work then i'd tend to agree with
> you...

I know it was kakki's...that's why I left in the "kakki said" part.

I'm a friend of a friend and have a couple of friends who are friends of friends, been 
the same dinner parties and all that ...I just don't think that it puts us in any 
position to 
speak in those terms.  I'll wait until she writes the book.  

I've worked with and known more than a couple of people of Joni's stature in the 
business.  And my experience has been, particularly with someone who is as smart as 
Joni is, that even with friends they know that when they speak they are as good as 
talking to the public most of the time. That their words fall under a different kind 
scrutiny than someone who is not a pop culture figure or icon.

Personally, I'd rather talk about the music and not speculate about the person.


Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.

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