oh yes, there was a time when i laughed about how if only i was that kind of
person...i could make some bucks (that i sorely needed!)...

>>You're right about keeping a confidence!  Some of the things I've heard
and seen
would make quite a dime store tell all....<<

>>>The ones I know who do this are generally drunk or high at the time or
are not very
bright and have managers/publicists who are constantly fixing things for

yes, i imagine that happens often, the folks i'm thinking of were not high
but maybe a bit  naive...actually i think they were/are not always aware of
their celebrity status at all times, which maybe is a sane way to be...

which brings me back to kakki, i really can see joni opening up to her &
stephen...having met both of them & how warm & engaging & genuine they both

ps, through the wall would make a great song title! sorta like the book
through the looking glass

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