Dear All,

I've been wondering for months now if y'all are *out* JMDLers, and if so, what
do your friends and significant others think of your *obsession* ? !

For example, whenever the subject comes up among friends,  I get teased gently
by them, who, by and large, do not *get* Joni.   They are, however, bemused
(and somewhat envious, I suspect)  of my passion, and wish they could
experience something similar.

My partner is no great fan of Joni's either. In fact, he is quite put off by
her rebellious nature (which is, of course, one of the reasons why we love
her, isn't it?)  If pressed he will admit that his favorite albums of hers are
the first, STAS, and the last, BSN. Isn't that interesting?

Just wondering what your experience is like, beyond the List...


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