Bree wrote: I remember.  Mack is the one that will rip your tongue out
trashing DED. 

Well, my sweet friend, I think that is a little severe.  lol.  Again, apples and 
oranges.  While it has often been said/written that others just 'don't get it' when 
referring to Joni and her music, I have come to the conclusion that some just 'don't 
get it' when it comes to DED.  The earlier posts mentioned timeless(ness).  I would 
nominate DED for that award since it seems, to me, that it could have been written 
today; seems to be right on in the situation that we find ourselves.  'while madmen 
sit up building bombs.'  One would suppose that could be Hussein yet I feel as if it 
could very easily be those in our White House right now.  'Ethiopia.'  Now, in Africa, 
different country, same situation.   This is the album of which finally convinced me 
of the genius of Joni Mitchell.  I read the RS review posted by Les the other day and 
was amazed at how that person didn't 'get it.'  This album, that I listen to yet 
again, has it all, in my opinion.  Political, personal, romance,!
 passion, self-introspection.  I literally cannot get enough.  Last eve listened to 
HOSL again.  Almost had to force myself to sit through it as I found it boring!!!   
The music wasn't soothing and moved me not; its saving grace was Joni's lyrics.  But, 
again, just my opinion.  


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