I use a pair of 3.5 drugstore reading glasses for sewing.
They are half glasses, so I can look over them if I want to
see who has come into the room, and they fit into a
container like a toothbrush case, so I can always have them
in my pocket.  I don't have any problem wearing them over my
prescription glasses -- since my eyes don't match, the only
alternative to wearing magnifiers over my glasses would be
prescription magnifiers.

But they require you to hold your work up close to your face
-- not a serious option with pillow lace, I gather.

Joy Beeson
http://n3f.home.comcast.net/ -- Writers' Exchange
http://www.timeswrsw.com/craig/cam/ (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where iris are in bloom.

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