<x-flowed>At 09:39 AM 11/30/00 +1100, Donovan Baarda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Quoting Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > At 09:48 AM 11/29/00 +1100, Donovan Baarda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > >G'day all,
> > >IMHO, everything should be put into CVS, including webpages and
> > >documentation. CVS gives you a revision history and backup archive.
> > While I agree with you on most of this, documentation is another
> > matter. If we put it in CVS, this forces everyone to use the same
> > format (DocBook XML, TeX, etc.). Getting someone to write something
> > is hard enough, but forcing them to use an unfamiliar format makes it
> > nearly impossible. However, I think CVS would be useful for
> > maintaining larger documents like guides and manuals.
>Huh? Since when has CVS required specific file formats? You can check 
>anything into CVS, even binaries (though it's not very good at calculating 
>binary delta's and merges don't work too well). This means text, html, 
>even MSWord documents could be used (though not recomended). I believe a 
>significant number of SF projects are putting their whole SF website into CVS.


>The only restriction would be that whatever gets checked in, is what 
>gets  checked out... ie if someone checks in a document in Tex, a person 
>who wants to modify it will either have to also work in Tex, or convert it 
>to something else first.

This is exactly what I was referring to. It creates a bar that is to high 
for some people who may want to contribute. The DocManager doesn't have 
this problem, but it does have other limitations. :(

I formed this opinion from my experience with the failed LRPDoc Q&A 
document. I know I probably didn't use CVS properly for that document. It 
was very hard to get everyone to agree on a format. Supporting different 
operating systems, and editors was a mess. I'm still open to the idea, but 
I don't want to repeat the problems of the Q&A doc.


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