Quoting Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> At 09:39 AM 11/30/00 +1100, Donovan Baarda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >Quoting Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >The only restriction would be that whatever gets checked in, is what 
> >gets  checked out... ie if someone checks in a document in Tex, a
> person 
> >who wants to modify it will either have to also work in Tex, or convert
> it 
> >to something else first.
> This is exactly what I was referring to. It creates a bar that is to
> high 
> for some people who may want to contribute. The DocManager doesn't have 
> this problem, but it does have other limitations. :(

I've just started playing with the DocManager on another project. So far it 
looks like it lets you edit the html online (I haven't looked at other ways of 
editing it yet). 

I haven't figured it all out yet, but I don't see why the doc's in DocManager 
cant be extracted and checked into CVS the same as the web pages, possibly by a 
cron-job, to give you a revision history and backup of DocManager content too. 
I dunno if it's worth it though, because to be truely useful you need to be 
able to checkout the doc's automaticly back into DocManager.

> I formed this opinion from my experience with the failed LRPDoc Q&A 
> document. I know I probably didn't use CVS properly for that document.
> It 
> was very hard to get everyone to agree on a format. Supporting different
> operating systems, and editors was a mess. I'm still open to the idea,
> but 
> I don't want to repeat the problems of the Q&A doc.

Yeah... formats can be like religions...

In the end, you need to pick a lowest-common-denominator format, which has it's 
limitations ("...but if we use SGML we can... and we can't do that with ..."). 
This is why html is rapidly becoming the standard documentation format.

ABO: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information.
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