Ron wrote:

>However, we are beginning to part company here, your points:

That's fine. If two people think exactly alike, something's wrong :).

>1) I take it that you are referring to sources being included in charts
such as the Ancestor Chart. I have no strong feelings about the *option*
being available, but it is something I would consider to be inappropriate
and would never use.

No source notes would appear on the charts. As once done by the now-defunct
Roots program and currently done by one other program, what's done is to
place a discreet little superscript source note after each date or place on
a chart and then have an attached source-notes page. It's the same principle
as writing anything using endnotes. The notes don't get in the way of the
text, but the notes are appended to provide support for each assertion.
(Incidentally, this is also illustrated in Appendix 2 of _Evidence!_--which
means endless inquiries from users wanting to know what software I used to
create that documented ancestor chart.)

We recognize the need to cite the source of each assertion on a family group
sheet. So where's the logic in circulating ancestor charts that provide no
whiff of a clue as to where all those names, dates, and places come from?

>2) Here we differ, ...[fior] Legacy to cover all the options the program
would become simply too big. <snip>
>Millennia could co-operate in providing source code to a specialist in this
field with the objective of publishing a stand-alone program which could
directly read our Legacy data and sold separately, as they have done with
other programs. But, please, please not in the basic program.
You make an excellent suggestion, Ron.


Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGL, FASG

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