Good evening again, Bill!

Bill Anderson wrote to Frank Reichert...

> I'm an opponent of democracy, favoring republican style governments, and
> you know it You are deliberately raising  a strawman here. Your reaction
> was one of "forcing" a style of government on someone. Whether that
> government style is democracy, fascist, republican, or representative
> democracy is irrelevant to the argument.

You assume far too much, Bill.  I wasn't even aware of what you
favoured in the foregoing.  Frankly, I don't know what exactly
you favour, or do not favour insofar as government structures. 
You seem to assume I *ought* to know such things, but honestly, I
have no idea.

Maybe, I haven't been paying appropriate attention to your
intricacies here, but you often come onto questions as such, in a
combative mode no matter what the context of such conversations
honesty raise, that leave little inclination on my part for
responding.  So, usually I have bypassed most of them over the
course of several months as irrelevant, sorry.  In posting on
matters of real substance, I usually look closely at positive
feedback, and I haven't found a damn post, originating from you,
that is very possitive, only looking in the attack mode, at
picking apart areas for the sake of argumentation and

So, forgive me if I haven't been paying special attention to your
categories, that you just reminded me, that I have been paying
less attention to.  I suppose that is supposed to be my problem. 
But again, my priorities in answering and responding to certain
questions deal basically in what the problem might be, and how to
resolve such problems, not delving into endless haranges on why
this are non-issues, as such.

For example, I previously wrote:
> > I am NOT, and never will be, represented by the current regime in
> > office in the United States of America unless I signed on to that
> > in the voting booth! PERIOD!

To which, you feebly made the following reply:
> Tossing into the wind will get you nowhere. The fact is that those
> elected to represent us are our representatives in government. Period.
> Our beliefs are irrelevant as to whether our representatives in congress
> are our representatives.

Again. As I wrote last night, and probably even the night before,
as I will write forever:  BULLSHIT!

You can't, and I will not allow you either, to define what
contract I sign onto in the Voting Booth!  When I vote, I vote on
principle, on the best candidate that will represent me if they
are elected.  Those who I voted against DO NOT represent me, and
they therefore don't have my signature, or stamp of approval to
represent me on anything whatsover.  This ought to be plain and
simple, so stop playing the damn mind games and get over it.

> And as far as you being represented in the election; you were. You
> voted. Not all representation is a "win". You are saying that because
> your guy went to the Olympics but didn't win, you weren't represented.
> Sounds more and more like sour grapes to me, as opposed to realism.

Sorry Bill, as per above, it doesn't work that way with me. Which
is why probably I never even had a clue as to which government
you accepted or not, which, to me, doesn't really matter at all. 
I haven't paid attention, because I have gotten to know you, and
your methodology in respponding to posts such as this, and I
usually have looked for more substantive dialogue to respond to
around here. Sorry too, you failed, and I won't give you much
credit for inspiring anything much, other than bringing up
negatives in which are plenty of those around anyway!

So, no sour grapes are involved here.  Only I never signed my
'john henry' upon a candidate to represenet me expecting to win,
if the other guy does!

So, as I wrote last night, if the Shrub Regime<tm> remains in
power, it is not by my support, and no, I never voted for it,
twice!  If John Kerry had won, I didn't vote for that either,
ibid above.  I have no personal allegiance to any politicians in
which I didn't vote for to support them in any way, form or
fashion, period.

Bill, if you don't like my kind words above, then it sounds very,
very much like the sour grapes you allude to are entirely of your
own origin and making!  Good luck in sorting this out.  I don't
care.  Which is why basically I don't care which form of
government you seem to believe is fashionable to any arguments
you care to make at the present.

There's a huge difference between me and you.  I know when I sign
on the dotted line, who I voted for, and will accept as 'my
representative' for better or worse.  YOU, on the other hand
simply imply that I have an obligation of some sort, to accept an
outcome in which I refuse to accept or support.  And, therefore,
this is the bottom line.  I don't. I won't. Sorry to burst your
simplistic bubble.

Warmest regards,

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