Good evening again, Bill!

Bill Anderson wrote to Frank Reichert...

> No, it's just your typical knee-jerk, reactionary, biased
> interpretation. So he supports democracy around the world. Big friggin
> deal. He never said he is in favor of forcing it on everyone. But you
> always (except in your own arguments, of course) assume the opposite.

After our last conversation, I believed we might be coming into
agreement on such things. apperently not.

I don't support 'democracy' around the world, and I don't support
democracy at home either.  I believe 'Democracy' is fatally
flawed by its own definition.  So, logically, The Shrub<tm> does
not represent my interests as an American either.  Our country
was never founded on the basis of 'Democracy'!  So, at least, you
and I ought to at least agree to disagree on the basis of why
'Democracy' from America, is something I can, or you can, support
or not.  If you support such a concept, then that's fine, I'll
live with that. But I do not.

And, to go a little further here, the present Regime in power
does not represent me, my interests, and certainly is just as
much aggressive as a John Kerry/John Edwards regime could have
become.  Your buddy, Lowell Savage went online yesterday
suggesting that "I" was 'represented by the outcome of this
election!  That was ludicrious!  Let me put this as straight as I

I am NOT, and never will be, represented by the current regime in
office in the United States of America unless I signed on to that
in the voting booth! PERIOD! 

Hope Lowell might be tuning in to this discussion also.

BOTH Democrats and Republican candidates in this race supported
unrestrained Democracy, in which I believe rips me off as an
indivdual. Both candidates appealed to the Democratic ideal of
Mob Rule. You can easily see that in all of their own statements
to get the popular vote. That is exactly why there is such an
oncry to disolve the electoral college!

> Your cognitive dissonance is resonating into higher levels of
> reverberation, setting up a positive feedback loop.

Sorry Bill. Don't honest understand the above paragraph.  Please
reword it somehow so that I can reply accordingly.

Warmest regards,

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