At 10:27 AM 30/12/2013, Tom Worthington wrote:
> >> Australia now has free Internet access in public libraries, which is an
> >> achievement. ...

So what? QOS is bad. The problem is contention for bandwidth in those 
places and lack of trained IT staff. Neither come cheap to provide. 
Our library does offer free wifi, but the performance is shaky most 
of the time. And the lack of trained staff in other places, such as 
another facility we used to use, was hair-pulling frustration. The 
lack of reliability meant it may have well been turned off for the 
good it did us.

Plug and play would have been nice from the NBN. That ain't going to 
happen now. And wireless won't solve the local provision problems.

Has anyone done a serious multifactorial analysis of these systems to 
find out what the optimum combinations are in terms of location, 
demand, cost, functionality etc.? Was any of that in the provisioning 
studies done for either the original NBN or the NBN-lite, with future 
expansion needs? Or did they just do this on the back of an envelope? 
Any linkers involved tangentially to this directly?

I'm tired of the speculation.

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how 
do you fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your space.
~Margaret Atwood, writer

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