Here's another one:

2.5     Jimmy wants to power off his computer. Which of the
        commands (entered at the command line) will
        cause his system to shut down and stop? (Choose the BEST
              a)        shutdown
              b)        halt
              c)        reboot
              d)        All of the above

>From the Score Board:
   25. a ... INCORRECT

>From the Man Page on RedHat 5.2:

%man halt


       Under  previous  sysvinit releases, reboot and halt should
       never be called directly. From this release  on  halt  and
       reboot invoke shutdown(8) if the system is not in runlevel
       0 or 6.


I know (I'm sure if you asked my 7yr old son he would agree) the answer
isn't C as the machine will not "stop", which also rules out D, but if
halt is to never be called directly on previous releases (and yes I
still have some 4.x machines) why would it be the preferred method,
especially if it calls shutdown anyway (I know it does the call with the
-h option, but still)? 


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