On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Forrest Tiffany spewed into the bitstream:
> 2.5     Jimmy wants to power off his computer. Which of the
>         commands (entered at the command line) will
>         cause his system to shut down and stop? (Choose the BEST
>         Answer) 
>               a)        shutdown
>               b)        halt
>               c)        reboot
>               d)        All of the above
> >From the Score Board:
>    25. a ... INCORRECT
> >From the Man Page on RedHat 5.2:
> %man halt
> <Cut>
>        Under  previous  sysvinit releases, reboot and halt should
>        never be called directly. From this release  on  halt  and
>        reboot invoke shutdown(8) if the system is not in runlevel
>        0 or 6.
> <Cut>
> I know (I'm sure if you asked my 7yr old son he would agree) the answer
> isn't C as the machine will not "stop", which also rules out D, but if
> halt is to never be called directly on previous releases (and yes I
> still have some 4.x machines) why would it be the preferred method,
> especially if it calls shutdown anyway (I know it does the call with the
> -h option, but still)? 

You know... I've been doing Linux as a pretty serious self employed sys-admin
for more than 3 years now and I've never used anything but "shutdown -h now" if
I wanted the machine to "shutdown and stop". At best this Q&A is ambiguous and
at worst it's just plain wrong! Is it an example of the "one true way" (TM) gone
awry, or is it a shining example of megalomania in action?

Chuck Mead, CTO - Moongroup Consulting, Inc.- http://www.moongroup.com/
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