I've got temp tags for second bike and i started taking it on test drives, i 
took it out for a 20 mile trip [ slowly breaking in the batteries ] but had a 
mechanical issue 5 miles from my house.  the bike was behaving oddly so i 
pulled over to check it out.  i have two motors [eteks] and the key for motor 
shaft on one motor sprocket fell out, i got another [hardware store near 
thankfully] and drove home.
  thus far the bike is great, but the hardtail is a bit rough [it shook out a 
key!] however the 'break-down' got me thinking about the advantages of a too 
motor system, namely i could still drive it with one motor, but i started 
thinking about it more and made a little thought experiment that i'll lay out 
in an accompaning email, feel free to give feed back on it.


Albuquerque, NM
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