Greg McCarroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What are the classic (non-perl) computers books? There are several
> that come to mind, The Art of Computer Programming (1->3), the Dragon
> book (thanks leon!, K&R, Computer Graphics (Foley et al). But what are
> the books that you guys really love?

non technical ones for a change:-

"Hackers" (Levy)
"The Soul of a New Machine"
"Computer Lib/Dream Machines" (Ted Nelson - my edition is ironically
the Microsoft Press reprint)
"The Journey is the Reward" (about Steve Jobs)
"The Shockwave Rider" (Brunner - out of print(?))

1024/D9C69DF9 steve mynott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
given the choice between accomplishing something and just lying
around, i'd rather lie around.  no contest.
        -- eric clapton

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