Nicholas Clark wrote:
> Except for one part that I find curious. The presentation lists one of
> the cons for perl as
>     poor sandboxing, easy to screw up server
> yet I get the feeling that that is the arguments against PHP. Or am I
> confusing the idea of screwing up namespaces with screwing things up

Well, from what I've seen, Apache/mod_perl stuff does not come with
things that protect against quasi-infinite loops, or infinite memory
bloat. You can put some of these in - BSD::Resource and
Apache::SizeLimit, for example - but you have to pick them, install
them, and test them. mod_perl, if it does run out of memory (ie, hits
its hard limit), has frequently responded (in the past) by jibbering
infinitely into the error log, until you run out of disk space, at which
point you find a puzzled sysadmin who has missed the "Out of memory!" in
the error log hidden by all the jibber. Even if it worked properly, this
would leave you with little idea that anything had gone wrong, or what
had gone wrong.

I don't know whether PHP would behave any more gracefully.


Tim Sweetman |
A L Digital  |  "eXistenZ is _PAUSED_!!! *splat*" --- eXistenZ

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