>  where implementations decide when to apply configuration that has been

where implementations decide when to apply *conditional* configuration that
has been accepted


On Wed, Oct 5, 2022 at 11:32 PM Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <ginsb...@cisco.com>

> Robert –
> This has nothing to do with centralized vs distributed.
> You are advocating a model where implementations decide when to apply
> configuration that has been accepted. This fundamentally changes the
> authority from the management tool (be it manual or automated) to the
> implementation.
>    Les
> *From:* Robert Raszuk <rob...@raszuk.net>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 5, 2022 1:41 PM
> *To:* Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <ginsb...@cisco.com>
> *Cc:* bruno.decra...@orange.com; Tony Li <tony...@tony.li>; Christian
> Hopps <cho...@chopps.org>; Henk Smit <henk.i...@xs4all.nl>; lsr@ietf.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Lsr] New Version Notification for
> draft-pkaneria-lsr-multi-tlv-01.txt
> Hi Les,
> Yes you have correctly understood my last point.
> So your take it to always put a human to operate/run the network.
> Enable statically features and always manually map user traffic to such
> features.
> That's the legacy (old fashioned) network model. Yes it works today
> in a lot of networks, but is it to stay like this forever ?
> My view is that networks should operate by themselves (or as much
> autonomously as possible).
> We can do it via management plane - centralized model
> or
> We can do it in the network itself - distributed model.
> What are the network's overall transit capabilities should be dynamically
> signalled to applications too.
> It is surprising you are so much endorsing a centralized (oracle like)
> approach. I am even more surprised you are against using IGP to signal
> itself what it is capable of supporting to help today's operators.
> Best,
> R.
> On Wed, Oct 5, 2022 at 10:24 PM Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <
> ginsb...@cisco.com> wrote:
> Robert –
> Not certain I completely understand you – but I “think” what you are
> saying is that we could allow configuration independent of what nodes in
> the network currently support, but suppress advertisement/enabling until
> all nodes advertise support.
> Am I close??
> If so, this is one of the aspects that adds complexity.
> And it still does not result in a working network.
> So, no thanks.
>    Les
> *From:* Robert Raszuk <rob...@raszuk.net>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 5, 2022 12:40 PM
> *To:* Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <ginsb...@cisco.com>
> *Cc:* bruno.decra...@orange.com; Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <
> ginsb...@cisco.com>; Tony Li <tony...@tony.li>; Christian Hopps <
> cho...@chopps.org>; Henk Smit <henk.i...@xs4all.nl>; lsr@ietf.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Lsr] New Version Notification for
> draft-pkaneria-lsr-multi-tlv-01.txt
> Just to add and expand to your point Les ...
> The concept of "forward referencing" used in some OSes explicitly permit
> configuration of elements not even present on the box or in the system
> ahead of time. For example you can configure an interface which will be
> inserted later.
> Same for any network wide feature.
> However this means that activation of such network wide features can take
> place under dynamic conditions too. If "all nodes required" support feature
> X I can advertise it. (Let's assume that other nodes which do not require
> it will not crash).
> That means that having such dynamic capability may be actually pretty
> helpful.
> Thx,
> R.
> On Wed, Oct 5, 2022 at 9:33 PM Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <ginsb...@cisco.com>
> wrote:
> Bruno –
> Thanx for commenting – I really want to hear from the operator community.
> In regards to using “functionality supported” advertisements to either
> issue warnings or possibly block/disable configuration changes…I think this
> sounds better in theory than it can be realized in practice.
> If you block config when not all nodes advertise support for “feature X”,
> what do you do with existing config which was accepted at a time when all
> nodes that are up/reachable did advertise the needed support, but now a new
> node comes up (or becomes reachable) and it does NOT advertise the support?
> What do you do on bootup when the saved config includes configuration that
> should not be accepted under the rules for “feature X”?
> Do implementations have to provide a knob to control whether configs
> should be rejected or just a warning issued?
> Do you think operators will now try to leverage the new “protection” they
> expect from implementations and feel free to relax testing on the
> assumption that a good implementation will prevent a “bad configuration”
> from being enabled?
> And what are the candidates for such functionality?
> In this thread we talk about MP-TLV support – but this is less than
> precise. What we are really talking about is MP-TLV support for specific
> TLVs. So this now requires per/TLV advertisement.
> And what else might be a good candidate? What about individual sub-TLV
> support e.g., for the different link attributes? If a node advertises a
> link attribute that not all nodes support then various forms of
> TE/flex-algo may not work.
> Do we then require each node to advertise every TLV it supports and every
> sub-TLV it supports?
> What about flag bits within a given TLV/sub-TLV?
> One response to this is to say “we will limit this to ‘important’
> advertisements” – but how are we to agree on what is important and what
> isn’t? Do we have an operational definition of “important”?
> I think this quite easily leads to an explosion of advertisements and a
> great deal of complexity which returns very little.
> If an operator configures something it is because they need that in order
> for the network to meet the requirements of the given deployment.
> Blocking/disabling config might prevent some problems – but it won’t make
> the network functional.
> I am quite concerned that this is something that “sounds good” but in
> practice adds little value – yet places significant demands on
> implementations.
>    Les
> *From:* Lsr <lsr-boun...@ietf.org> *On Behalf Of *
> bruno.decra...@orange.com
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 5, 2022 2:29 AM
> *To:* Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <ginsberg=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org>; Tony
> Li <tony...@tony.li>; Christian Hopps <cho...@chopps.org>
> *Cc:* Robert Raszuk <rob...@raszuk.net>; Henk Smit <henk.i...@xs4all.nl>;
> lsr@ietf.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Lsr] New Version Notification for
> draft-pkaneria-lsr-multi-tlv-01.txt
> I’ve not followed everything in details so I’ve been reluctant to comment,
> but nonetheless please find below a diverse set of comments.
> > From: Christian Hopps <cho...@chopps.org>
> […]
> > AFAICT we now have implementations out there that are sending multiple
> TLVs which are not documented to be sent that way, that historically were
> not expected to be received that way, and then we have other
> implementations that do not expect this new, convenient but rather loose
> interpretation of the standards. Consider we have documents that explicitly
> state that a TLV can be sent multiple times, it would be completely normal
> for someone to then assume that when that isn't stated explicitly that
> multiple versions of those TLV will not be sent.
> > Thus the need for this document -- in some form.
> Thank you Chris.
> Definitely +1
> To clarify, are we talking about:
> - different nodes in the flooding domain having a different understanding
> of the LSDB content
> - a (LS) protocol relying on all nodes in the flooding domain to have a
> consistent (view of the) LSDB (especially with FlexAlgo for which the
> number of (sub)TLV requiring a consistent view across the flooding domain
> has increased and may further increase)
> And a standardization group defining specifications to allow for interop?
> Sure, I’d be interested in an implementation report to at least learn
> about such (sub) TLV and those implementations.
> […]
> > *From:* Lsr lsr-boun...@ietf.org *On Behalf Of *Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
> > [LES:] This isn't a new problem for operators. There are many examples
> of extensions to the protocol which have been introduced which result in a
> broken network in cases of partial deployment. To list just a few:
> >
> >  - Wide metrics
> > - Cryptographic authentication
> > - Support for extended LSP lifetime (> 1200 seconds)
> > The consequences of sending MP-TLVs when not all routers support them
> are no more severe than the consequences of partial support for any of the
> above features.
> Agreed.
> However, it’s not because this is not a new problem that this is not a
> problem. We don’t need to increase the problems and make things worse.
> And it’s not because this can be made to work (with extra work), that this
> can’t also fails. (and this does fail sometimes)
> […]
> > *From:* Lsr lsr-boun...@ietf.org *On Behalf Of *Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
> […]
> > Using the protocol to send what is best described as some subset of a
> PICS means that we propose to use the IGP flooding mechanism to send static
> information which the protocol itself cannot (and should not) use in its
> operation.
> I’m not sure that I agree with “cannot (and should not) use in its
> operation”.
> If the correct understanding of MP TLV is required for correct operation,
> such information can be used by IS-IS to warn the network operator that
> IS-IS is not correctly working anymore. As of today, an operator may not be
> even aware of the problem.
> And a so-called “smart” implementation could even forbid a configuration
> change which would translate into sending a MP TLV not understood by all
> nodes.
> So on my side, I would rather welcome a continued discussion on this topic
> which seems important for network operations.
> Thank you,
> Regards,
> --Bruno
> Orange Restricted
> *From:* Lsr <lsr-boun...@ietf.org> *On Behalf Of *Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 4, 2022 7:35 PM
> *To:* Tony Li <tony...@tony.li>
> *Cc:* Christian Hopps <cho...@chopps.org>; Robert Raszuk <
> rob...@raszuk.net>; Henk Smit <henk.i...@xs4all.nl>; lsr@ietf.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Lsr] New Version Notification for
> draft-pkaneria-lsr-multi-tlv-01.txt
> Tony –
> We don’t agree – but that isn’t news.
> Let me try to start a meaningful discussion.
> Using the protocol to send what is best described as some subset of a PICS
> means that we propose to use the IGP flooding mechanism to send static
> information which the protocol itself cannot (and should not) use in its
> operation. This consumes space, bandwidth, gets periodically refreshed
> unnecessarily, and now a complete copy of the information from every node
> resides on every router in the network when it is only needed by an “NMS”.
> It would be hard to come up with a better example of “IGP isn’t a dump
> truck” than this.
> If there is a belief that we can severely limit the amount of information
> that is sent/node, I’d have to say that I am skeptical. Once we allow this
> into the protocol, I don’t see any basis on which to separate what is
> allowed and what is disallowed. It would not be unreasonable for an
> operator to say that everything that is a candidate to be mentioned in a
> PICS is a legitimate candidate for being advertised using this mechanism.
> Which means the amount of information is likely to become very large –
> especially once it becomes the de facto way of providing protocol
> management information.
> The justification seems to be that we don’t have anything better – which
> represents a longstanding failure of the management plane. While I agree
> with you that management plane solutions are not adequate – not least
> because we can’t get the industry to converge on a single solution – this
> does not mean we should invest in the wrong solution.
> We would be better served spending time and effort working on the right
> solution - as difficult as that may be.
> If we despair of getting a management plane solution, my suggestion would
> be to use RFC 6823/6822 to define an IS-IS protocol management application
> that could support the advertisement of such information. This is
> technically straightforward to define/implement, easily extensible, and it
> separates the management information from the information used by the
> protocol.  And because a separate topology can be used for the “management
> instance”,  it would be possible to reduce the number of copies in the
> network.
> Thoughts??
>    Les
> *From:* Tony Li <tony1ath...@gmail.com> *On Behalf Of *Tony Li
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 4, 2022 9:16 AM
> *To:* Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <ginsb...@cisco.com>
> *Cc:* Christian Hopps <cho...@chopps.org>; Robert Raszuk <
> rob...@raszuk.net>; Henk Smit <henk.i...@xs4all.nl>; lsr@ietf.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Lsr] New Version Notification for
> draft-pkaneria-lsr-multi-tlv-01.txt
> Hi Les,
> *Folks may well complain that management tools are not as good as they
> need to be, but trying to compensate for this by adding management
> information into the protocol itself isn’t a good solution.*
> It is not a good solution. But it is the only practical solution
> available. At scale, we need automation. We have tried and failed (again)
> to get broad adoption of a management infrastructure. We continue to reject
> alternative approaches. The thought of someone keeping all of this in their
> heads is simply naive.
> We have already painted ourselves into this corner. There is no good way
> out.
> Tony
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