> Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 09:05:14 -0400
> From: Venkat Manakkal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> As distasteful as it sounds, my boss has asked me about the
>> possibility of what I'll call 'Passive Shadowing', ie,
>> shadowing someones workstation without the ability to take
>> it over, and *without them knowing it*, so he can see what
>> they are doing.
>> The reason for this is, we have a big problem with people
>> spending lots of time 'playing' on the internet when they
>> should be working, and the boss would like to be able to
>> look in on them from time to time.
>> I don't like the idea much, but I do see a need for it in
>> some cases.

> I see this as unethical and a violation of an individuals
> privacy and dignity. I would never work for a company that
> had such equipment. I do hope that such covert features never
> make it to mainstream open source code.

While I agree in part, your Rights to privacy are not unlimited, when working
for someone else.

Is it not unethical for you to play DOOM on a computer that is owned by your
boss, when you are in fact supposed to be doing work for your boss?

In order for this to be legal, the Company in question would have to inform
the employees that their computer sessions were subject to such monitoring,
and you would then be free to find another job.

As I said, I personally do not like this idea, but I do acknowledge the
employers Right to do such monitoring.

Its no different than web proxies that record all sites you have browsed and
emails you have sent - it just does so in real-time.



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