
I know I'm not the only one confused here...

Quim says:
>>>> We are seeing more questions about this and actually the
>>>> current information is misleading since it suggests that
>>>> non-free packages can bypass the Extras-testing QA process,
>>>> which is not true.

And Jeremiah says:
> Here is the relevant line that I believe X-fade added regarding this:
> "There is no promotion available for non-free. You need to upload
> yourpackage to the right repository yourself." When he states
> 'promotion' he is referring to extras-testing.

This directly contradicts what Quim said - either non-free packages
bypass the extras-testing QA process, or they don't. Which is it?

> It is preferable that we make sure the wiki reflects reality rather
> than just changing things on the fly. This page;
> http://wiki.maemo.org/Uploading_to_Extras-devel#.22non-free.22_packages
> stated that non-free packages go through the same testing procedure
> as free packages. This is not the case.

I put this in place today, following Quim's mail. Previously it said
"It's your responsibility to upload to the right place" or something
like that.

> Let's wait until Niels comes back so that he can explain exactly what
> his code does, then we can decide if we want to change the policy.

Perhaps part of Niels' tasks when he comes back should be to ensure that
we don't need him to come back to explain what policy is? It seems like
an awful lot of things depend on him being around.


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