Sorry that I'm am commenting but I live Perl and Mason 1 in production 
environments. I use Mason components for for JSON content called from 
AJAX calls as well as content. Mason 1 is Perlish. Just works. I would 
love a place to give to back. Again I have Mason/jQuery components that 
would really help people

Mason 2 is a complete change in methodology which I respect. But at the 
moment I have to serve up real life. In a hostile environment and Mason 
1 and Apache 2 provide that. I do not like Moose. I prefer to keep it 
simple. Mason 1 and libapreq2. I have no idea what Mason 2 is targeted 
at at or even if it is used in production. But I assure you Mason 1 
is/was amazing and still works.


On 02/10/2012 09:53 PM, Paul Wallingford wrote:
> On 2/10/2012 7:57 PM, Dave Rolsky wrote:
>> On Thu, 9 Feb 2012, Paul Wallingford wrote:
>>> 1) Different configurations for the web server side.  How do I make this
>>> work with:
>>> - Apache / mod_perl (for production)
>>> - Apache /Fast CGI (for production)
>>> - Standard CGI (for development or servers I cannot change significantly)
>>> - other servers such as AOL, etc.
>> Use Catalyst, Dancer, or some other framework that supports all of these
>> (and other) deployment modes.
> So you are suggesting either ditching Mason for some other framework
> (interesting suggestion on the Mason list) or adding more stuff to the
> mix of an already slow system.  FWIW, I do not think it is Mason itself
> that is slow, but Moose certainly is.
> And to respond to Jonathan's question if I have experienced Moose as
> slow or just heard that it was, I have experienced it.
> I have two apps - same server.  One is an old shopping cart system I
> wrote long ago with Perl and no additional modules.  The Perl CGI
> program is 335KB long and caches in memory after the first invocation.
> Each invocation requires a new Perl interpreter start up - there is no
> FastCGI or mod_perl involved.  It will sustain over 20 page views per
> second.
> Same server - A one page Mason 2 app that is essentially nothing.  It
> sends a very small amount of html to the browser with a couple of lines
> of javascript in it.  The Javascript makes a single Ajax call to the
> server.  I was using this to test how Mason 2 handles Ajax, since I have
> written Ajax based sites in Mason 1 and know how it performs.  This is
> also standard CGI and requires a new Perl interpreter each time.  The
> pages will cache in memory after the first invocation.
> Both apps have the same basic environment as I want this to be a
> reasonably fair comparison.  The Mason 2 app takes over 4 seconds to
> return the initial page view, and another 4+ seconds to process the AJAX
> call (which is handled by the same as served the initial page).
> In both cases, the server is unloaded and running nothing other than the
> app being tested at the time.
> I do understand that much of this delay with Moose is startup and that
> by pulling various tricks, like FastCGI or mod_perl, performance can be
> improved past the first invocation.  I have not run a comparison test
> using mod_perl or FastCGI yet.
> However, note that Jonathan's rationale for stripping out the web code
> and using Plack is that it allowed Mason 2 to run under a wide variety
> of platforms and servers, not just Apache with mod_perl.
> Under acknowledgements: "Thanks to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa and the PSGI/Plack
> team, who freed me from ever worrying about server backends again."
>>> 6) Moose is slow.  So slow, that even the Moose people address it in
>>> their FAQ.  What can I do to speed it up?  What if I can only run on a
>>> standard CGI server that does not have mod_perl?  Is it possible to use
>>> Mouse instead?  Will Mason2 have a conniption?  Are there things I can
>>> do with Mason so that it will not utilize some of the slower Moose features?
>> Moose doesn't have a FAQ, so I'm not sure what you're referring to.
> And you have just made my point about documentation.  The FAQ is right
> there on CPAN.  All you have to do is a simple search.  But obviously,
> having a few pages of documentation on CPAN is no substitute for a book,
> wiki, etc.
> Has anyone profiled Moose to find out what is actually taking so much
> time?  I know this was done with PHP5 and a lot of the slowness (which
> turned out to be in the way PHP4 created objects) was addressed.
>> But it's a possibility. Heck, you could even consider writing the CGI
>> script in C for speed.
> Or Lisp, Snobol, Prolog or assembly.  The world's your oyster, but,
> there's a reason we use Perl - dealing with accumulators and memory
> registers is a pain in the tuchus.
> section .data
> str:     db 'Hello world!', 0Ah
> str_len: equ $ - str
> section .text
> global _start
> _start:
>           mov    eax, 4
>           mov    ebx, 1
>           mov    ecx, str
>           mov    edx, str_len
>           int    80h
>           mov    eax, 1
>           mov    ebx, 0
>           int    80h
>> However, if you're really, really stuck using CGI, Moose is not a good
>> choice. I'm not sure how good Mouse is either. It still has a bit of
>> overhead. Perl may not even be that good a choice. Starting a new Perl
>> interpreter for each request is a huge amount of overhead.
> As noted above, I can run a fairly large Perl CGI program that starts a
> new Perl interpreter each page view fairly quickly.  Sure, I can turn
> that 20+ views per second into 200+ with mod_perl, but that program was
> written over 10 years ago - closer to 15 now that I think about it -
> before such things as mod_perl existed, and CGI was the only choice, so
> it is a decent benchmark to show "progress" in state of the art.
> I have not tested Mouse yet, but I plan to, however, the Mouse
> documentation states it is 4 times faster than Moose.  I was going to
> contact the author to find out what Moose has that Mouse omits to see if
> anything Mason critical is missing.  Of course, Jonathan would be a
> better choice to ask that question since he would know better than I if
> any missing features might cause a problem.
>> Those of us still on the list are totally unhip losers.
> Frankly, that has occurred to me, but I hope not, seeing as I am still
> here.  I like to think that Mason is the superior solution and smugly
> sit back contemplating all the losers who don't know what they are
> missing.  But, ... there is a reason I started this thread and I must
> say, I am a bit dismayed to find that the only ones in this discussion
> are me and the two authors of the software in question.  I suppose that
> speaks for itself.  (I do realize that Mason was written almost if not
> completely by Jonathan and Dave has contributed to Moose and is one of
> its proponents.)
>> * There's also a lot more client-side templating going on. People are
>> using Perl to write a simple JSON-delivering REST backend and writing
>> templates in Mustache or whatever other horrible JS templating tool they
>> can find (they all seem terrible, sadly), so server-side templating has
>> become less relevant in some use cases.
> Actually, interesting that you brought it up.  Since Ajax is the way of
> the future, I had hoped in the back of my mind, that Mason 2 would have
> features that enhanced that.  I am currently writing such a system and
> trying to use Mason's features to augment the Ajax calls and template
> the return results.  A system with components, inheritance, etc.
> actually lends itself to making Ajax calls manageable in much the same
> way that Mason 1 made page views and templating manageable.
> I think people may not have realized that yet because most sites I see
> today might use some Ajax, but overall, are still based on page views.
> A site that has one page view, but everything from then on happens via
> Ajax would benefit greatly from Mason managing the Ajax calls.  However,
> Mason could use some features to make the job easier.
> Paul Wallingford
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