* "David W. Tamkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Tue, 20 Jul 1999
| Sharp portable recorders (this is from their manuals, not from my
| personal experience) will play one shuffle cycle and stop,

This is correct, at least as far as the 701/702.  There might be an EEPROM
setting that overrides this, though.

| but I don't know whether they segue smoothly or not.  I've posted that
| question and never gotten a straight answer.

My 702 pauses for about 2 seconds between the end of the track being played
and the start of the next track to be played.  It is infrequently faster
(about 1 second), slightly more frequently slower (about 3 seconds).  This
time is spent "thinking", just like the Sony players.  This test was
accomplished by recording a single continuous song on a new disc and
chopping it up with track marks every 20 seconds or so.

The answer is, "no".

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