
I am trying to use my AKG C451 with my Sharp 702.  The 702 has a stereo
mike input via mini-plug.  The AKG cord  is currently terminated as a
balanced stereo phono plug, pin-1 to tip, pin-2 to ring, ground shield
to sleeve.  This worked fine on my Tandberg R-R which has balanced mike
inputs.  (I also tried it pin-2 to tip, pin-1 to ring, ground to sleeve)

i plug the AKG's stereo phono plug into a converter plug :stereo phono
to stereo mini.  I then plug the mini into the mike input.  I can
record, but the results are out of phase stereo.  (presumably because
the two sides of the balanced mike are by definition out of phase). When
i combine the channels with the mono switch on my hifi amp, there is
almost no level, presumably due to phase cancellation.   When i try to
record using the 'mono' setting on the Sharp, there is almost no sound,
again presumably because of almost complete phase cancellation.

I tried detaching one of the signal lead of the mike at the phono plug,
to make an 'unbalanced' mike, and got no level.  I tried using a
stereo(balanced)  to mono converter plug, with mono mini-plug into the
Sharp, and got almost no level on the recording.

any suggestions?


ted gosfield
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