On Sat, 27 May 2000, David W. Tamkin wrote:

> But there was a second time that manual end search bit me, and it could have
> happened while I still had no other MD hardware: I was doing some edits in
> the R3 and, having completed them, wanted to eject the disc.  I missed the
> EJECT slide and slid RECORD instead, ruining the first couple seconds that
> followed the point of the last edit.  (On a unit with automatic end search,
> that slip would have been non-destructive; it would have written into avail-
> able space, and then I could simply have erased the accidental recording.)
> Now, who would have expected that?  Yes, I had read the manual, but all the
> manual said was to press END SEARCH before appending new material; nowhere
> did it say to press that key before ejecting a disc.

Unless I am missing something, its seems to me that if you had hit eject
like you intended to do, instead of record, there wouldn't be a problem.
Why should the manual have instructions on "don't press RECORD instead of
EJECT unless you have just hit END SEARCH"?


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