Jeffrey Scorsone wrote,

| ...  but for the record I haven't had a problem with
| end search as some people have, but I also read the manual that
| came with my MD player :)

You were too quick to brag.  Trouble from end search is not universally a
consequence of failure to read the manual.

When an MZ-R3 was the only unit I owned, I never forgot to press the END
SEARCH button either.  After all, I had read the manual, just as you did.
After getting a deck and needing to switch paradigms between units I made
the mistake only once; that was enough to teach me.

But there was a second time that manual end search bit me, and it could have
happened while I still had no other MD hardware: I was doing some edits in
the R3 and, having completed them, wanted to eject the disc.  I missed the
EJECT slide and slid RECORD instead, ruining the first couple seconds that
followed the point of the last edit.  (On a unit with automatic end search,
that slip would have been non-destructive; it would have written into avail-
able space, and then I could simply have erased the accidental recording.)

Now, who would have expected that?  Yes, I had read the manual, but all the
manual said was to press END SEARCH before appending new material; nowhere
did it say to press that key before ejecting a disc.

[When I reported the incident here, another subscriber chewed me out that it
was my own fault for not using the write-protect.  Exactly how he expected me
to edit a write-protected disc I didn't bother asking.]

Also, what about those defective Sony portables that start recording on their
own?  Those have ruined a few recordings by overwriting whatever followed the
point where the user stopped playback, and their manuals don't say to press
END SEARCH whenever you're done listening.

So don't be too quick to assume that everyone who has had trouble with it has
to be someone who read the manual.  When the instruction manuals start to in-
clude "press END SEARCH before ejecting in case you miss the EJECT slide and
move the RECORD slide instead" and "as much as we tout our resumption feature
that lets you play from wherever you stopped, we recommend it only for write-
protected and premastered discs; if you are listening to an unprotected re-
cordable disc, we advise you to short-circuit the resumption feature by
pressing END SEARCH whenever you take a break from listening, because our
units tend to record spontaneously," that's the day you can hint that bad
things happen only to people who don't read manuals.

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