[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randal L. Schwartz) writes:

> >>>>> "Gunther" == Gunther Birznieks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Gunther> This is exactly why someone experienced in training (ie
> Gunther> Randal/StoneHenge) would hopefully be the ones to take the
> Gunther> torch on this. If there's anyone I would trust a
> Gunther> certification from, it would be them.
> We've considered the certification route from time to time, but other
> than being a money maker for us (which isn't all that bad of a deal :-),
> I'm still not entirely convinced that the community of *ours*
> would demand certification in any distinguishing way.

> I mean, until I can demonstrate that people with certs are likely to
> get hired faster or make more money, what's the point?  As it is now,
> good mod_perl people are hard enough to find that the jobseeker
> already has the advantage.

Do it on line, for free (or real cheap)? OK so it'd be multiple-guess
most of the time, but peer review of submitted coursework too?

There are plenty of "intermediate" perl folk out there who only need
the briefest of help in getting rocking with advanced perl and

You're the trainer though...

Dave Hodgkinson,                             http://www.hodgkinson.org
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star           http://www.deep-purple.com
      Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, Sybase hired gun for, well, hire

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