On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 01:22:26PM -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> >>>>> "Gunther" == Gunther Birznieks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Gunther> This is exactly why someone experienced in training (ie
> Gunther> Randal/StoneHenge) would hopefully be the ones to take the
> Gunther> torch on this. If there's anyone I would trust a
> Gunther> certification from, it would be them.
> We've considered the certification route from time to time, but other
> than being a money maker for us (which isn't all that bad of a deal :-),
> I'm still not entirely convinced that the community of *ours*
> would demand certification in any distinguishing way.
> I mean, until I can demonstrate that people with certs are likely to
> get hired faster or make more money, what's the point?  As it is now,
> good mod_perl people are hard enough to find that the jobseeker
> already has the advantage.
> I'm very open to being convinced otherwise though.

I'd be interested in something like this.  For a low price ($50-$100),
I'd take a list of activities from your website, complete the activities,
submit my code back to you, and let you grade me, and then send me some
form of certificate saying "Certified mod_perl hacker" with Stonehenge
and the famous merlyn signing it.

If we could get Doug and Lincoln to sign off on the list of activities, 
the certification couldn't get more genuine than that.

Having one of the great perl hackers, the creator of mod_perl, and a
few other luminaries endorse the program would be a boon.

By the way, does mod_perl have a "board of directors"?  If there was a 
mod_perl consortium backing mod_perl (Merlyn, Lincoln, Doug,  Stas
etc) formally, I'm sure we could get some pretty serious notice.

How many technologies have the actual creator as part of the certification
process?  It could only help.

Even if someone open books the exercises, the certification would still be valid.
How many times are you forced to write something without reference of any kind?

Just my $0.02.

If I forgot to add kudos to any one individual, I apologize.  I don't mean to 
leave anyone out.

J. J. Horner

"The people who vote decide nothing.
The people who count the vote decide everything."
        - Josef Stalin

"The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the 
blood of tyrants and patriots alike. ... Resistance to tyrants
is obedience to God."
        - Thomas Jefferson

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