Stas Bekman wrote:
> Let me stright things out a bit, so you won't get misleaded by my post as
> a marketing call.
> What we want is very simple.
> 1. We want many users, so they will thoroughly test the software and spot
> bugs asap, so we -- current users will get a better product.
> 2. We want more developers, so they will write core mod_perl and 3rd party
> modules, again for us current users to re-use and save development
> time. 

It strikes me that there might be a route not yet taken to increase
*availability* of mod_perl.

Think about all the ISPs that host personal and small business web
sites.  How many of them run Apache and allow their customers to code
Perl scripts?

Earthlink (which is huge), for one.  Yet it doesn't have mod_perl
installed.  But if it did, both Earthlink itself and the customers might
see performance benefits from Apache::Registry scripting.

The two biggest obstacles I see to this:

(1) Have to have a *reliable* way for customers to reload their Registry
scripts.  Here's where some development work might be needed.

(2) It might be argued that anything that *needs* Registry is too
heavy-duty for the ISP to want it running anyway.


(I wonder if it might be possible to enlist the Apache folks to campaign
for this as well, since anything that keeps out the dread IIS is

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