Robin Berjon wrote:

> On Wednesday 14 November 2001 03:27, Perrin Harkins wrote:
>>>What about an additional requirement:
>>>The site should be validated sucessfully by
>>Maybe we should give the horse a chance to catch up to the cart...
>>Once there is a design that people are satisfied with, you are more than
>>welcome to submit patches to fix validation problems.
> Agreed, but it's far easier to start cleanly. Fixing "designer-code" can be 
> insanely hard and time consuming. "Be strict in what you..." and all that.


May be I was not clear. You can change whatever you want in the 
templates. There is no design at this moment! Scratch what you see and 
make a new one.

The only requirement was to keep the navigation (which is very minimal) 
as is, while you can decorate the navigation any way you want (these are 
just hyperlinks!). The use of Splash library for widgets was just to 
make it easier to construct and maintain the site. If you don't feel 
like using it, fine but please make the templates maintainable in the 
text editor.

In any case if you look at the templates, they are bare bones. So it 
shouldn't be time consuming and of course it's not insanely hard. I 
think you didn't look at the source before saying what you've said.

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker      mod_perl Guide

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