When I pull small groups the kids grab a rag rug from our hamper/basket and 
sit in a tight circle around me on the floor.  I sit on a stool that has 
wheels.  I found it at Loews or Menards or Home Depot. It's something like 
what a car mechanic uses to scoot around.  It's very sturdy and it raises 
and lowers.  Here is one link I just found:
I can wheel up closer to each of them as they are reading for a quick 
running record.
The stool on wheels is GREAT when I want to zoom around to each child during 
writing workshop to conference with them while they work at their tables.

I gave up my teacher's desk years ago.  I claim a corner where the computer 
desk is (two computers) and use stacking trays on the counter for each of my 
small group books and the shelves right there for my teacher stuff. I have 
one student desk up against the counter for my lesson plan book. If you 
don't have counters use 2-3 extra student desks up against the wall.
Ginger Weincek
grade 3

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