I'm coming into this late in the discussion, so I apologize.  In any case, I
wrote an email to Fabian Guisset, informing him of the work I've been doing
at http://aom.nachbaur.com, to which he pointed me to this timely thread. 
If anyone wants the nitty-gritty of what I said, and/or the laundry list of
features the sites sports, then let me know and I'll follow up with more

Suffice to say, I've been tired of the lack of documentation for the
DOM/JavaScript side of Mozilla development, and true to OSS form (e.g. "If
you can do it, but don't, then you don't have any right to complain") I set
out to remedy the situation.

I'm an AxKit fanatic, and am one of the developers on the project (though,
IMHO, a lowly one).  The site is rendered with AxKit, so site style is easy
to maintain, the content is in semantic XML (accessible if you click the
"Source Code" boxy icon on the top navbar) and is intended to document all
JavaScript-accessible objects in Mozilla.

After a bit of poking around to orient myself, I'm documenting ECMA-262. 
Next will be the W3C DOM, and the Mozilla extensions to it.  I have a lot
of possible plans for where the project can go, but in the mean-time I'm
simply concerned with getting the job done.  (For a few of the objects in
the site that showcase it's functionality, look at the String, Document,
and MenuList objects)

I follow the KISS philosophy on this project.  I'm not worrying with CMSs,
fancy site navigation (though I'm partial to the one I use right now) or
anything else that can wait until later.  I'm just setting out to get the
thing documented.  Since the site is built with XSLT, if I ever need to
change the content to a more logical layout, or add any functionality, I
can just write a stylesheet to convert all the content on the site.

Anyway, I feel that I'm beginning to rant/ramble, so anyway, I just wanted
to point you all there while I catch up with this newsgroup thread.

If anyone wants to contribute, GREAT!  So far my plan is to be benevolent
dictator on this project, so while I have web-cvs access to the project
available at
http://cvs.nachbaur.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/MozillaAOMReference/, there's
no public commit access available yet.  If anyone wants to grab their own
copy of the site, contribute documentation or anything, and then send it my
way for integration into the site, wonderful!

The heart of any technology is it's developers, and if they don't have any
documentation (or they have to endure the sort of thing I'm having to go
through to document it) then you soon will have one of the best pieces of
technology on the bottom of the acceptance list.  The only reason I've
stuck with Mozilla for so long (no flames please) is because a) its really
cool and fits with my view of what the web should be, b) it fits really
well with AxKit, c) I want to write client-side apps without having to
devolve into writing in C, or d) I'm clinically insane and should be

Cheers!  Questions, comments, threats or bribes?
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