Blake Ross wrote:
> > What do you mean by it is likely that this component is going away? Do
> > you mean that they won't work on these usability improvements after all?
> > If so, why?
> >
> > I can understand (or should I say, I have accepted the fact) that this
> > doesn't have high priority, but dropping it alltogether? I'm disappointed.
> Work on usability and ui polish will definitely continue, but a UI
> design component in Bugzilla encourages bugzilla as a tool for
> discussing ui changes, which is what we actively *dis*courage.  We would
> prefer such discussions happen in the newsgroups (or another, better
> suited forum)

"Another, better suited forum"?  That sounds like AOL-speak for
"internal, unilateral AOL decisions".  What exactly do you mean by that
Mr. Ross?  What better forum for discussions distributed across the
globe is there than a newsgroup?

> and then be brought over to the bug database once a
> decision has been reached.  Also, a UI design component makes it too
> easy for bugs to be forgotten about, as it becomes something of a black
> hole.  A better model for quick, non-contentious UI advice is keeping
> the bug assigned to an engineer and cc'ing strong UI folks for their two
> cents.

Ah, I see, and *ignoring* the unwashed throng in the newsgroups.
> Blake

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