> With all due respect, I think you are vastly underestimating the
> difficulty of providing robust, efficient, well tested code for your
> benefit. There's tens of thousands of lines of code been put into the
> MPIR library, and to just dismiss it all as a joke because you found
> something which you don't like in our benchmark, is really flippant.

Hmmm,,, read the following lines:
"Some of the program benchmarks that we have in our full benchmark
suite tell a completely different story, putting MPIR well ahead for
those sorts of things. They show that in an overall program, we do
quite well."

You wrote them.

You used a fake argument to say that MPIR is "well ahead" of another
Was this flippant?
>From my point of view it simply is falsehood, and a 10 lines patch
proves it for me.
This is not acceptable for me. Comparison between projects must be

Why should I trust you when you will say that your new algorithm is

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