On 11 Gen, 04:09, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> That's all rubbish and you know it. My reply to you, which you keep
> quoting, was in reply to you where you are talking about Case's
> benchmarks. It was in that context.
> You lied. You cheated. And you know it.
> Still waiting on those 10 line patches. One to speed up nextprime and
> one to implement a proper mpn_mulmod_2expp1 in 10 lines. You can use
> GMP 5 if you like.
> Do you think we'll have them before lunch tomorrow? Maybe next week?

A proper mpn_mulmod_2expp1 in 10 lines? I accept the challenge.
What will you do if I win?
Do you think 24 hours are a fair ammount of time (I need to sleep

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