Hi Russ:

I too was new to this a week ago and I know how you feel.  Most of these
guys are way ahead of us but I have ask some dumb questions and they have

I can tell you that I also have 5.3.  I just was able to install it last
night after numerous tries.  I will tell you what I have found out so far
because when I started I was also lost.

 What I did and you may not have to do this if your cd-rom auto boots (mine
does not) so i went into bios set up,  to get there you re-boot your system
after it checks the memory just push the delete key.  A blue screen will
come up. Highlight the BIOS Features Setup section and press enter when this
opens in the first column go to Boot Sequence.  Hit the page up or down key
until it list that the system will boot from the cr-rom first.  Then hit
escape.  Then go to the second column and save and exit answer yes.  The
program will then close.  Be sure the 5.3 disk is in the cd-rom.  The system
will then boot from the cd to install Linux.  You can go back and change the
boot sequence later to A, C, CD-Rom.

Now when the install program starts just answer the question the first few
are easy and you will get them.  The next part is the hardest.  First off
you need to be careful here and it would be good to buy a book before you
try this if you are not confident that you know what you are doing.  Because
you have to partition you hard drive.  And you can erase all the data that
you have on the disk doing this--believe me --been there done that.

In my case i have two hard drives installed.  So i used one for win98 and
one for Linux.  But the point is you have to have free space on your disk to
install Linux on. Just be careful that you know what you are doing.

Once this is done the install program will ask you if you want to use disk
druid this program will let you create new partition.  One area that I had a
lot of trouble with was mount point.  A mount point as I understand it is
just a location on the disk with a name.  I set mine like this where the
value between " and " is the name of the mount point.

"/" root 300 mb
"/usr"   900 mb
"/home" 900 mb
swap    127mb
the swap file does not have to have a name or mount point.

After you get through this it is all downhill the program will install
itself from here.  It will ask you question about you system such as what
type on monitor you have and the type of mouse and so on.

If you will look on the 5.3 cd under manuals their is written information
and there are some How to information as well.

I hope that this is a help to you.  This is the way that I used to install
and it worked Ok.  Now that I have it installed I have no idea what to do,
but that is another matter.


-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Westbrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 5:45 PM
Subject: [newbie] Really New

>Hi All,
>I just signed up to this list yesterday, and if what I am reading is
>from "newbies", I am in trouble. I don't know what anyone was saying.
>Of course I did just get my Linux disk in yesterday. So far I haven't
>got a clue as to how to install this thing. Is there a site I can go
>to that gives me a 1 - 2 extremely detailed how to on what I need to
>do? I want to install it on a 1.2 gig HD all by it's lonesome. I am
>running Win98 on my 5 gig but I'm just going to disconnect it to setup
>the other one. I got a Mandrake Linux 5.3 CD.
>Thanks in advance
>Boy is this different than DOS

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