Title: RE: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)
Sorry for delay in replying - not been well. Thanks for your suggestion, but this was one of the first things I tried as I read it in another thread.
I thought it might work because I installed Zone Alarm on the W98 machine a while ago and then had to uninstall it again when it prevented all internet access - similar problem to the one I have now - eurobell said their service was "not compatible" with Zone Alarm!
Sadly, switching off the firewall didn't help this time - do you think I need to uninstall it completely as I had to do with Zone Alarm?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 6:33 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem (long, sorry!)

Try opening MCC and then security and turn off the firewall by clicking on the square that says everything, no firewall, then apply and then try your internet connection again. If that solves the problem you should be able to turn the firewall on again and still get a connection. HTH  Dennis M.


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