ibi wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm so new I haven't even loaded Linux; I've never seen a Linux screen
> and I don't know one command. When you pick yourself up off the floor I
> have one question. I've decided on Mandrake based on the strength of
> support. Where do I go to begin to learn the raw basics? My goal is to
> have a pure Linux box.
> Thanks,
> Pj

Go to the nearest computer, login to the internet, visit
http://www.cheapbytes.com or http://www.linuxmall.com and pick up a disk.
Just load and have fun.  There is no substitute for making mistakes (oops,
I mean experience) 8-).  Don't expect to become an expert except for
reinstallation but that's part of the fun.  You could spend a fortune
buying books but I wouldn't recommend that yet until you've got an idea
what you want to do with your new-found freedom from M$-ware.  Many people
recommend ORieley books but I find them a little intimidating for a novice,
you might wish to consider a Dummies book as a place to start your soon to
be expanding Linux library.

After that start looking at http://www.mandrakeuser.org for good basics. I
have also found good info regarding the file structure at
http://www.pathname.com/fhs/2.0/fhs-toc.html and

Just a start and I'm sure others will add to this but I gotta go ( go
figure, work actually wants me to DO something other than play here ).

Good luck and feel free to ask questions, that's why every one's here.

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

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