Hi Steve,


> > Mandrake mounted my windows partition during the install as a read only device-
> > That's EXTREMELY useful for a beginner. None of the others did or even asked to.

> Why, exactly, is it helpful to have the Windows partition mounted?  There's
> nothing but fonts in there that are even useful when running Linux.

Actuaally, there is something very important on the windows partition- files.

For example, this is useful because I do most of the graphics manipulation for a 
couple of
websites in GIMP, but I do the actual layout in hotmetal pro. I can access the images 
the Linux partition to do work. I changed the permissions so I can write to the vfat
partition as root. When I'm done, I move them back to the Windows side. Since I do this
when I have a couple of hours worth of work to do, it makes it worthwhile switching 
(and GIMP is sooo cool)

Let's say a new Linux user gets Applixware. He can access the Office documents he was
working on from the DOS partition and move them over to Linux with little or no 
hassle. It
makes it easy for a newbie to change over to Linux from MS

These little details will make a big difference in how Linux is perceived by the new 
The more options given without confusing the person, the happier the newbie becomes.


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