Another possible solution: Partition Magic has a simpler product called "Boot
Magic". It came with Caldera's Open Linux 2.2 but I think it may sell separately.
When I installed from Win95 it created the partitions I needed for Linux, then set
up a Boot screen in place of Lilo.  This is one of the reasons Caldera installs so
eaisly.  When I installed Mdk 6.0 over Caldera, it kept Boot Magic. I also Have
used "Partition Magic", It's a good program but more complex than "Boot Magic".

Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:

> The solution, then is to create the partitions using the DOS fdisk utility,
> including the ones you want for Linux. Then restart the 'puter, and run fdisk
> again, but this time remove the partitions you want for Linux. Install Win9x,
> then install Linux, recreating the partitions with disk druid. I think this will
> work.
> A more expensive solution, but much easier is to get PartitionMagic, and
> do the job with it. You can resize, move, and reformat partitions at will.
> Anything but formatting will not destroy the information on the partitions.
> It's a great tool, and I recomend it highly. The bad news is the cost - about
> $70.00 here in Toledo, Ohio USA.
> I use it, because as my needs change, I don't have to do a rebuild to rearange
> my partitions. I started out with 2 Gig for Linux, and 6 Gig for Win95. Now
> it's about half and half (4 Gigs each).
> Ernie
> On Tue, 26 Oct 1999,Collin J. Davidson wrote:
>   | This sounds good, but I jhave been told and, from experience, learned that
>   | there must be some sort of /boot linux partition within the first 8GB of
>   | Hard Drive space.  Since I want the combined Win98 partitions to be 10GB,
>   | your suggestion does not seem like it will work.  I could be wrong, please
>   | advise.
>   |
>   | ----- Original Message -----
>   | From: Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   | Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 1999 11:58 AM
>   | Subject: Re: [newbie] Partition setup help
>   |
>   |
>   | > J,
>   | >
>   | > You will need to install Win95/98 first, since it will overwright the MBR
>   | > (Master Boot Record) of your hard disk.
>   | >
>   | > Run fdisk from the Win95/98 floppy, and create one primary partition, and
>   | one
>   | > extended partition. These must occupy the entire Hard Disk. Then in the
>   | extended
>   | > partition, create one or more logical partitions as desired for Win95/98.
>   | Do
>   | > not create any partitions for Linux at this point. Leave the amount of
>   | space
>   | > you want for Linux unpartitioned in the extended partition.
>   | >
>   | > Next, restart and format the DOS partittions for Win95/98 with the DOS
>   | format
>   | > command, then install the Win9x operating system.
>   | >
>   | > Once you have Win9x installed and operational, restart the computer and
>   | run the
>   | > Linux installation program (I used the Linux boot disk in my floppy
>   | drive).
>   | > Follow the on screen prompts, and I suggest you use disk druid to set up
>   | the
>   | > Linux partitions, as it is easier, and will not destroy your Win9x
>   | instalation.
>   | > This should result in a machine which will do a good dual-boot between
>   | Win9x
>   | > and Linux. It worked for me.
>   | >
>   | > Note, I installed LILO in the MBR so I could boot from the HD, and LILO
>   | did
>   | > not mess up my Win9x.
>   | >
>   | > Ernie
>   | >
>   | >
>   | > On Tue, 26 Oct 1999,Collin J. Davidson wrote:
>   | >   | I am so close to setting this up, I can almost taste it.  I guess you
>   | get
>   | >   | delusional after looking at the computer screen for 12 hours straight.
>   | >   | Anyway, I can't quite get my hard drive partitioned correctly.  I have
>   | 12.9
>   | >   | GB hard drive, and want to use approximately 10 GB for win98, and 2.9
>   | for
>   | >   | Mandrake Linux 6.1.  These are the two setups that seem to be the
>   | closest to
>   | >   | correct.
>   | >   |
>   | >   | 1. hde1, 4 GB, Win95 FAT32
>   | >   | hde5, 2 GB, Linux Native - first part of an extended partition (hde2)
>   | >   | hde6, 128MB, Linux Swap - second part of an extended partition (hde2)
>   | >   | hde7, 6 GB, FAT16 >= 32MB or some sort of DOS partition - third part
>   | of an
>   | >   | extended partition (hde2)
>   | >   |
>   | >   | This one worked well.  LILO booted both Win98, and Linux.  The only
>   | problem
>   | >   | was, after I formatted hde7 as a FAT32 in Win98, Win98 took FOREVER to
>   | boot,
>   | >   | and after it did, it couldn't see hde7.  The only thing I can think
>   | of, is
>   | >   | that Linux does not support FAT32 as a logical partition in an
>   | extended
>   | >   | partition, wrote something to the disk and then Win98 couldn't figure
>   | out
>   | >   | what was going on.  Of course, I could be completely wrong, and have
>   | no idea
>   | >   | what I am talking about.
>   | >   |
>   | >   | 2.  hde1, 4 GB, Win95 FAT32
>   | >   | hde2, 16MB, Linux Native - I did this and mounted it as /boot because
>   | it's
>   | >   | my understanding that LILO must have /boot within the first 8GB of a
>   | hard
>   | >   | drive.
>   | >   | hde5, 2 GB, Linux Native - first part of an extended partition (hde3)
>   | >   | hde6, 128MB, Linux Swap - second part of an extended partitiion (hde3)
>   | >   | hde4, 6 GB, some sort of DOS extended partition
>   | >   |
>   | >   | This setup allowed me to boot both Win 98 and Linux.  The problem with
>   | this
>   | >   | one was that it seems like Win98 only supports ONE primary partition
>   | and ONE
>   | >   | extended partition per disk.  I have 2 primary and 2 extended.  Again,
>   | I
>   | >   | could be completely wrong.  No matter what I did with hde4, Win 98
>   | couldn't
>   | >   | see it.
>   | >   |
>   | >   | So basically, I need to know how to partition my 12.9 GB hard drive to
>   | have
>   | >   | approximately 10 GB for win98, and 2.9 for Mandrake Linux 6.1.  Any
>   | help or
>   | >   | suggestions are appreciated.
>   | >   |
>   | >   | Collin Davidson
>   | >
>   | >

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