I have a Cheapbytes Mandrake 6.1 CD, is a version of partition magic on that
or can you only get it with the officail CDs?

----- Original Message -----
From: John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Partition setup help

> On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > The solution, then is to create the partitions using the DOS fdisk
> > including the ones you want for Linux. Then restart the 'puter, and run
> > again, but this time remove the partitions you want for Linux. Install
> > then install Linux, recreating the partitions with disk druid. I think
this will
> > work.
> >
> The problem with this, is that it makes the Linux
> partitions visible to Windows, which, I've heard, can cause
> corruption, as Windows tries to "fix" the "grunged" file
> system and can't.
> >
> > A more expensive solution, but much easier
> > is to get PartitionMagic, and > do the job with it. You
> > can resize, move, and reformat partitions at will. >
> > Anything but formatting will not destroy the information
> > on the partitions. > It's a great tool, and I recomend it
> > highly. The bad news is the cost - about > $70.00 here in
> > Toledo, Ohio USA.
> >
> The good news is, a version is included on most packaged
> versions of Linux these days (at least RedHat and Mandrake
> versions. <G>)
> >
> > I use it, because as my needs change, I
> > don't have to do a rebuild to rearange my partitions. I
> > started out with 2 Gig for Linux, and 6 Gig for Win95. Now
> > it's about half and half (4 Gigs each).
> >
> Yeah...it's pretty useful! :-)
> John

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